Sunday, September 27, 2009

Quotable Sunday: Family

Family is important to me, and one of the many reasons I love this quote:

Families are like old quilts.
Although they tend to unravel at time
each can be stitched back together with

Quotable Sunday is Hosted By Toni at A Daily Dose of Toni. Click over for more Great quotes, or to participate!


Erin said...

Are you making that quilt? I saw on like it for the first time last night, and I couldn't believe how much work goes into something like that. Wow!

And I don't know if my computer is having problems, or if it is your blog background, but I can't read the words because the plain-colored foreground isn't there. (I had to search for the comments thing to click on.) Hopefully it is just my computer!

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

So true, except for some families the quilt is better off going to the landfill.

Joshlin said...

Family is the most important thing and I am glad you did your quote on it. What a great quote! And so true!!

Liz Mays said...

There are some bad squares on my family quilt.

Cranberryfries said...

That is a great quote I haven't heard that before I dont think.