Sunday, September 20, 2009

She Called Me Yummy

It is no secret that I have an addiction or two or three..or four. One of the many is my addiction to this store:
They truly have something for everybody, myself included. Which is why I continue going back. I've got my staples. The scents I am drawn to. And their soaps....I won't wash my hands with anything else, at least not at home.

Just yesterday, I took my hot little coupons and marched in to my local store. I promised myself I wouldn't over indulge. Those promises broken, when I ran into one of their newest scents:

It smells deliciously yummy. I know this because a friend told me -as I sat next to her during worship today. I dare you to try it.

Click on the link above to get your coupons. But hurry of them ends TODAY!


Liz Mays said...

Seeing as how it's now 7:55 pm, I think I'm out of luck! But next time I'm in there I'm sniffing that one!

Erin said...

I love smelling yummy. It makes me happy.

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

I love this store and their coupons are the best! Thanks for the info.

Anonymous said...

THanks for the heads up!